272 research outputs found

    Automated bidding for trading grid services

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    For decades markets have been proposed for allocating computer resources in distributed systems like the Clusters or Grids. Nevertheless, none of these approaches has made it into practice. The reasons for the adoption failure of markets are manifold. One reason that has been hitherto rarely discussed is the bidding process. Theoretic approaches assume that the bidders know how to derive their bids exactly. This does not only include the specific computer resource, which is needed at some time in the future, but also the price. This assumption simplifies reality and can thus not contribute to the development of markets in Grid. What is needed to establish a prospering market for Grid resources are rules how to conduct the bidding. Since demand and supply are extremely dynamic in computing resources, manual bidding is too slow to accommodate abrupt shifts in demand or supply. This paper introduces a policy based autonomous agent approach for automated bidding. By means of the policies resource providers and consumers can specify the way how they trade Grid resources (e.g., resource isolation definitions, security specifications)

    MTP: A Movie Transmission Protocol for Multimedia Applications

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    Typical color video adapters of today's PCs and workstationsuse 8 bits per pixel as an index into the color lookup table (CLUT). Full color pictures and movies have to be reduced to 256 colors. In order to avoid false colors between two frames of a digital movie, a novel technique for computing the CLUT's is proposed: A subset of the CLUT entries is reserved for new colors of the next frame. The paper presents an algorithm for the gradual adaption of the color lookup table during the transmission of a movie. First experience is reported in the framework of the XMovie project

    eXtended Color Cell Compression -- A Runtime-efficient Compression Scheme for Software Video

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    Multimedia applications require a compression and decompression scheme for digital video. The standardized and widely used techniques JPEG and MPEG provide very good compression ratios, but are computationally quite complex and demanding. We propose to use an extension to the much simpler Color Cell Compression scheme as an alternative. Our extension includes the use of variable block sizes, the reuse of color index values from previously encoded blocks, and Huffman encoding of the stream of blocks. We present experimental results showing that our scheme provides much better runtime performance than MPEG, at the cost of a slightly inferior compression ratio. It is thus especially suited for software videos in high-speed networks

    Contact angles mediate equilibrium fractionation between soil water and water vapor

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    Soil water potential is a function of grain size, adhesion and cohesion energy. The mechanical equilibrium between the interfacial free energies between water-gas, water-solid and solid-gas, leads to a particular contact angle at the three phase boundary water-solid-gas. The contact angle of the solid-soil affects the water retention in soils. Contact angles >0 lead to a shift of the water retention curve to simulating a coarser soil texture. Thus, a certain amount of water is stronger bound in a soil with a low contact angle compared to the same soil with a high contact angle. The relationship between the contact angle and the fractionation of water stable isotopes between soil water and water vapor has yet not been studied. We present a simple laboratory experiment with soil samples ranging from sand to silt to clay. Two subsamples were hydrophobized (or treated with) using dichlorodimethylsilane to produce different contact angles. Subsamples were transferred into Ziploc bags spiked with water of known isotopic composition and the headspace filled with dry air. After equilibration (at least 24h) the headspace was measured for its isotopic signature with a Laserspectrometer. Soil water potential was measured with a soil water potential meter and the contact angle determined with the Wilhelmy-plate-method (WPM). The working hypothesis is that the equilibrium between water and water vapor depends on the matric potential. Having the same pore and the same water content water repellency affects the soil water potential. Therefore the hydrophobized soil will change the equilibrium fractionation between water and water vapor. Hence, the contact angle between adsorbed water and water vapor is related to isotope effects

    Performance Bottlenecks in Digital Movie Systems

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    Digital movie systems offer great perspectives for multimedia applications. But the large amounts of data involved and the demand for isochronous transmission and playback are also great challenges for the designers of a new generation of file systems, database systems, operating systems, window systems, video encoder/decoder and networks. Today's research prototypes of digital movie systems suffer from severe performance bottlenecks, resulting in small movie windows, low frame rates or bad image quality (or all of these!). We consider the performance problem to be the most important problem with digital movie systems, preventing their widespread use today. In this paper we address performance issues of digital movie systems from a practical perspective. We report on performance experience gained with the XMovie system and new algorithms and protocols to overcome some of these bottlenecks

    Polarization degrees of freedom in photoinduced two-nucleon knockout from finite nuclei

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    The polarization degrees of freedom in photoinduced two-nucleon knockout from finite nuclei are studied. It is pointed out that they open good perspectives to study the dynamics of dinucleons in the medium in detail. The (Îł,pp\gamma,pp) and (Îł,pn\gamma,pn) angular cross sections, photon asymmetries and outgoing nucleon polarizations are calculated for the target nuclei 16^{16}O and 12^{12}C and photonenergies ranging from 100 up to 500 MeV. It is investigated to which degree the two-nucleon emission reaction is dominated by photoabsorption on 3S1(T=0)^3S_1(T=0) proton-neutron and 1S0(T=1)^1S_0(T=1) proton-proton pairs in the nuclear medium. The calculations demonstrate that dominance of SS wave photoabsorption in the (Îł,pn\gamma,pn) channel does not necessarily imply that the reaction mechanism is similar to what is observed in deuteron photodisintegration.Comment: 27 pages, REVTeX 3.0 with epsf.sty, 11 figures in EPS forma

    Measurements of 12C(→Îł,pp) photon asymmetries for EÎł= 200–450 MeV

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    The 12C (→γ ,pp) reaction has been studied in the photon energy range 200-450 MeV at the Mainz microtron MAMI-C, where linearly polarised photons were energy-tagged using the Glasgow-Mainz Tagged Photon Spectrometer and protons were detected in the Crystal Ball detector. The photon asymmetry ÎŁ has been measured over a wider EÎł range than previous measurements. The strongest asymmetries were found at low missing energies where direct emission of nucleon pairs is expected. Cuts on the difference in azimuthal angles of the two ejected protons increased the magnitude of the observed asymmetries. At low missing energies the ÎŁ data exhibit a strong angular dependence, similar to deuteron photodisintegration

    Experimental evaluation of the usage of ad hoc networks as stubs for multiservice networks

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    This paper describes an experimental evaluation of a multiservice ad hoc network, aimed to be interconnected with an infrastructure, operator-managed network. This network supports the efficient delivery of services, unicast and multicast, legacy and multimedia, to users connected in the ad hoc network. It contains the following functionalities: routing and delivery of unicast and multicast services; distributed QoS mechanisms to support service differentiation and resource control responsive to node mobility; security, charging, and rewarding mechanisms to ensure the correct behaviour of the users in the ad hoc network. This paper experimentally evaluates the performance of multiple mechanisms, and the influence and performance penalty introduced in the network, with the incremental inclusion of new functionalities. The performance results obtained in the different real scenarios may question the real usage of ad-hoc networks for more than a minimal number of hops with such a large number of functionalities deployed

    Continuous population-level monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in a large European metropolitan region

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    Effective public health measures against SARS-CoV-2 require granular knowledge of population-level immune responses. We developed a Tripartite Automated Blood Immunoassay (TRABI) to assess the IgG response against three SARS-CoV-2 proteins. We used TRABI for continuous seromonitoring of hospital patients and blood donors (n = 72'250) in the canton of Zurich from December 2019 to December 2020 (pre-vaccine period). We found that antibodies waned with a half-life of 75 days, whereas the cumulative incidence rose from 2.3% in June 2020 to 12.2% in mid-December 2020. A follow-up health survey indicated that about 10% of patients infected with wildtype SARS-CoV-2 sustained some symptoms at least twelve months post COVID-19. Crucially, we found no evidence of a difference in long-term complications between those whose infection was symptomatic and those with asymptomatic acute infection. The cohort of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2-infected subjects represents a resource for the study of chronic and possibly unexpected sequelae
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